Saturday, May 25, 2013

Still Eating Healthy and LOVING IT.

Well, it has now been almost 2 1/2 months since I started Clean Eating and I have lost 29 pounds!

I am still juicing veggies and fruit like this...

And I feel great, I am still off the HBP med and my blood pressure gets better every visit to the Dr. 
I am on much less medication for anxiety that I used to be... like 1/4 of what I used to take and sometimes I do not take any at all. 
If that is not a miracle, I don't know what it is!
Thanks for reading!
XOXO, Donna

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Journey toward Health and 11 pound weight loss!

Hey folks, I hope everyone is feeling good today.
Inquiring minds are asking how I am doing on my new eating plan, so here it is. 

First of all, you may know I had dangerously low sodium last week and had to go in hospital on IV fluids to get it regulated. I had blood drawn yesterday to see how all the levels are looking now and am waiting now for a call about that. I am still feeling weak and tired, but some of the symptoms are much better. 

That leads me to the next issue. The last time the CNA at the hospital took my blood pressure it was quite low. I mentioned it to her and she said, "probably because you have been lying down so long". At the time I thought, ok, that is alright I guess. Yesterday I remembered that in a flash and thought to myself, "What if my bp is very low. I would not have any energy, be feeling weak, and all that. Looked up the symptoms of low bp and it almost all described the way I am feeling. So, I asked Rhonda to drive me to the pharmacy and sure enough, it is low. I have been on HBP Med for a few years now. What if, by eating healthy and removing toxic chemicals in the form of diet soft drinks and packaged foods in 3 weeks would have changed me to the point I can get off of that medicine? Wow. I will see Dr Carney tomorrow and see about that.

Next thing people want to know: What did you STOP eating? 

I stopped all Nutrasweet/aspartame. I was drinking at least 2 liters of diet soda or diet dr pepper daily. ( fountain drinks were the drug of choice) This has been going on for years. Drinking water and some tea daily. (I am sure this is also contributing to my fatigue till my body adjusts.)
I am not eating sugar, using agave for sweetening things. (Using a little Splenda and Sweet n low. These are next on the chopping block.)
I stopped eating meat. Have had fish once, caught right here in Cedar Creek Lake by Fishing Sister Act.
I am 95% dairy free, using some butter.
I have had no packaged foods of any kind.
I am 99% gluten free. I am eating corn tortillas for any bread source at this point.  I do not think I am allergic, it is just happening because if what I am eating. I will use some whole grain breads when I want to. I have had one wheat bun.

Then they ask: What are you eating NOW?

By choice I am eating vegetables and fruits, I love bananas.
Whole grains in the form of long grain brown rice and beans like pintos or red beans ( cooked the old fashioned way, not out of the can ). 
I am packing in the veg/fruit in the form of smoothies and juice. Green smoothies for me are mainly spinach, bananas, and apple/carrot juice at this point. I need to get adventurous.
Rice and beans together for protein and because they are yummy. Lots of stir fried veggies - fresh broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions, snow peas,cabbage,etc. 
Coconut oil for stir fry, etc.
Oatmeal with raisins
Baked sweet potatoes
Green salads with lots of dark greens, not iceberg. 
Homemade applesauce / pie filling (by the spoonfull, not in a crust)
That is about all I can think of at this point. 

I am eating plenty of calories and keeping a food journal to help me remember and to show the Dr if he wants to see it. Usually about 10 servings of veg/fruit a day. The smoothies make that super easy.

* I have had a fried veg (squash, sweet potato fries) a couple of times while out. I am using bottled soy sauce, a bit of vinaigrette dressing (need to make my own). Had a veggie (black bean) burger on wheat bun at Mooyah yesterday when we went to Athens to get my blood drawn. Thought I had died and gone to heaven. Veggie burgers are usually yucky to me. Not this one! I felt like I was cheating, but I wasn't, of course.

So, I started my journey on March 14th, 2013.

I have lost 11 pounds.

I am working with my Dr to figure out the electrolyte imbalance this caused. I think I will, already be able to get off my HBP medicine. This is a praise report! 

I will update for those who want to follow my journey.

Thank you all for your loving support!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Season of Lent

This year for Lent I think I have finally narrowed it down to giving up FEAR. 
Fear creeps up for me during times of change, decision making, etc.
 I am going to try harder to immediately give it (whatever the fear is) over to God. 
I can do all things through God who strengthens me.

The Season of Lent
A carving of the Biblical story Jonah and the whale in light brown stone.
A depiction of Jonah from the façade of the Amiens Cathedral (thirteenth century).
The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and self-examination in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord at Easter. It is a period of 40 days — like the flood of Genesis, Moses’ sojourn at Mount Sinai, Elijah’s journey to Mount Horeb, Jonah’s call to Ninevah to repent and Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness. (The Sundays in Lent are not counted in this reckoning of the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter, as every Lord’s Day is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.)
In the early church, Lent was a time of preparation for the celebration of baptism at the Easter Vigil. In many communities of faith it remains a time to equip and nurture candidates for baptism and confirmation and to reflect deeply on the theme of baptismal discipleship.
*Article taken from*

Ash Wednesday is a day of solemn assembly that is built right into the church year. It is a fast day, a day of mourning for our sin and the sin of all humanity before God, a recognition of our mortality save for the grace of God and a request that the Lord remember our creation and breathe new life into our burned-out, dusty lives once more.
*article taken from *

If you celebrate the Season of Lent, What are 
you giving up?

Be Blessed!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hiding in plain sight.

Yes, I am still alive, but I suppose it 
would not seem like it.

I had a dear friend from Georgetown
email me a couple of weeks ago and ask
if I had dropped off the face of the earth.
(Hi Helen!)
I said No, just a lot has happened in my life 
in the past year...
(I had no idea till 5 minutes ago how
long it had been since I last posted here)

So, you ask, WHAT has happened?

1)  I became very involved in a citizen's group
here in Malakoff, Texas that has taken a lot
of time and created many blessings for myself
and for the community at large, so that is great!

2)  I started doing a major de-cluttering campaign
that resulted in cutting my personal belongings in half.
Yes! In half. It was over a matter of months,
 and the more I got rid of in my home, 
the more I like my home! 
No regrets... even with selling some 
furniture I have had for years. 
This kind of clearing takes a lot of time and energy.
This is the cleaned up, I can find everything view. Whew.

3) Rhonda and I downsized our house
 and moved into a duplex.
Yes, moved. Just 3 blocks, but yes, moved. 
Guess how much easier it was since I had
de-cluttered? Fantastic!
Smaller home = smaller electric bill!
Way less than $100 for gas + electric this month. :)
We do still own the property where the chickens live, don't panic, LOL.

4) My baby daughter, Laura Beth, Graduated 
from High School in May. Yea! and BooHoo!
Then, 10 weeks later she started school
at Dallas Baptist University. She loves it!

5) My middle child, Ryan, joined the Air Force! 
His graduation from Basic Training in San Antonio 
was the morning after Laura's HS Graduation.
That was really a crazy weekend last May.
Yes, I cried like a baby when I saw him for the first time in 2 months. 

6) Ryan and his sweet wife, Kirstie and their 3 kids 
moved to Wichita, Kansas - McConnell AFB.
They are settling in well, have a 4 bedroom home
on the base, and now have a German Shepherd
 named Daisy (apparently they did not have enough to
keep them busy, LOL)
Tyler is 6, Ellie is 3, and Carson is 1 - they have part of
my heart with them in Kansas. :)
This is Daisy at 9 weeks. LOL, she is going to be huge!

7) Rhonda's mother, MAW, passed away in October.
She was a real character, and at 90 was
ready to go to Heaven and boss Paw around.
Her words, not mine. We miss her dearly,
but know it was her time.
The same week she passed away, we lost Johnnie, 
Rhonda's sister in Law after a long and courageous
battle with cancer. The family was not ready to
lose such a beautiful lady too young, but also know
she did not want to suffer any longer, and loved the Lord.

8) My oldest child, Koen is 25. Yes, I said child! 
(Don't bother me with the facts.)
This child got married to a great gal, Codi, 
and the two of them have a baby boy, Noah.
Noah was born on Dec 29, 2012.

This meant I became a Grandmother of 4 in 4 years.
It is true! And I am not sure how, since I 
am still 29.

I missed you, Blogger friends, but